Thursday, December 30, 2021

Expansion of ideas

 There is no Short Cut to Success’

Success in all our endeavors is what we all want but, most of us forget that for

reaching success, the road is not strewn with roses. The walk is not a cakewalk, nor is

it a gift on a platter. Success is an achievement by constant diligence and most of us

fail to achieve because most of us lack the essential quality of diligence.

The magic of hard work and perseverance cannot be underestimated. We see in

general that people who have succeeded in life have done an immense amount of hard

work and their success is we all see, but the effort put in, we fail to measure. We do

wonder how he could achieve so much, but it is absolutely certain that achievement

has come his way after much of continued effort. Most of us do make efforts but, soon

lose heart and leave our projects and this is why we fail to reach the pinnacle of

success. It must be clear in our minds that, we never can achieve with just a simple

raising of a finger, we have got to put our heart and soul in a particular job and that

also with continued vigour in every attempt then only we can hope for any success.

Those of us who leave effort midway are obviously left midway by success also, and

then we are disheartened and broke, just to ogle jealously at those who have

succeeded. If we have the confidence in our effort, there is nothing that can deter us

from achieving.

History presents to us several examples of achievers whose achievements

were due to the single magic of the labour they put in their project. For example,

Tenzing Norgay could achieve world fame, only after making dozens of unsuccessful

efforts at conquering the Mt. Everest. India could achieve its goal of achieving

independence from British regime only because of continued effort and sacrifice of

our leaders, like Mahatma Gandhi and others of the generation. Ever since 1856,

which saw the first war of independence for India, a continued effort of more than a

century, we finally achieved our objective in the year 1947. If this century’s effort was

not there, the position of India would have been quite different and our history would

have been something else. This shows that continuous effort can even change the

course of history of a nation than what about smaller achievements of an individual.

Even after seeing that effort is the magic wand for all achievements, some people still

hold the view that, at least some people in the world do get whatever they want

without much effort. This may be true in the case of a very few who may have been

born with silver spoons in their mouths’ but, by and large, all others whom we see on

the pedestal of success are there only after hard labour. We have not seen them

working but we are able to notice them only when they reach certain heights. On the

other hand, there may be so many who might have fallen on the way, and this must

certainly have been because there was less strength in their effort. Success is mostly

not God sent it is mostly a reward God gives for hard work. Those who put in constant

labour towards an end, surely achieve a position of great advantage. It is of course

always an uphill task to improve prospects.

Let us see right from childhood, those children who work hard and

constantly and regularly are always the ones to stand first. We do often admire or feel

jealous of people rising, but we fail to see what extra effort they are putting in to

improve their prospects. Those who sit pretty and just complain about the success of

others are never the ones to do much in life. Those who make continuous effort in the

right direction rarely lose in the struggle of life. One important password for all of us

to follow is that, there is no short cut to success, the road to success is thorny and very

long. Those who dare to cross this road and undertake the tedious journey with a

continuous effort always find leisure at the end.


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