Knowledge is power’
A person who has knowledge is equipped with power. Here power does not mean
the power of money or force. Rather it means the power to understand, discriminate
between what is right or wrong, and the power to make the correct choices. The
illiterate person has limited choices of opportunity and advancement for he lacks
Knowledge makes a man resourceful. When he is faced with a difficult situation,
he is able to tackle it better. His mind is able to come up with many ways to solve a
problem. He is not bogged down by paucity of thoughts. He can even think up new
ways of doing things.
The world is moving faster each day. No one can afford to remain illiterate.
Everyone has to keep up with the knowledge of the times.
13. ‘Health is wealth’
What is the use of having crores in one’s bank account if we cannot enjoy good
health? A healthy man can enjoy the benefits of his Wealth. But a wealthy man, if he
is not healthy, will always be afflicted with physical complaints
In fact, if you are ever asked to choose between the two, always opt for good
health. Because health can give wealth, but wealth does not ensure good health. Very
often the desperate search for wealth takes its toll on one's health. It deprives a man of
the necessary physical exercise. It makes the person follow unhealthy food habits in
the name of saving time. It thus brings along with it stress, high cholesterol, high
blood pressure, ulcers and diabetes. As a result a person may have to spend the later
part of his life in and out of hospitals and undergo expensive operations in order to
keep himself alive. Finally he dies a stressful premature death. And all the wealth he
has accumulated is distributed amongst the heirs. Rather, this person could have
enjoyed his wealth while he had lived if only he had believed in the dictum, ‘Health is
_____________________________________________________________Unity is strength’
Everyone knows the story of the bundle of sticks that could not be broken easily,
but the single stick that could be broken easily. That is what is meant by ‘unity is
Five fingers make a hand. A hand makes a handshake. A handshake extends
warmth and friendship and reaches out to the world. India is a land of diverse people,
cultures, religions, languages and geography. Yet, as long as we are united, we are
strong and no one can do us any harm. The moment we show any sign of division, we
will be vulnerable and enemies will try to take advantage of the situation.
A team in which the individual members play for their own good cannot win a
match. As long as each player plays for the good of the team, it can win. Anything that
we do should be done for the general good, not for individual glory. Then only can
victory be achieved.
15. ‘Honesty is the best policy’
Corruption has spread through India like an epidemic. At every twist and turn
you meet people who are willing to do anything dishonest in order to earn money.
Dishonesty in words and deeds is so common now that people have almost accepted it
as a rule rather than an exception. An honest person is a bit of an oddity in present day
India. Isn.t that a rather sad state of affairs?
We all know from our experience that a lie will lead to another ten lies; a
misdeed may need another ten misdeeds to cover it up. Still we tell lies and do wrong
Every religion tells us that we must be honest. No one likes dishonest people
because they cannot be trusted. The truth is always so simple. Dishonesty is like a
whirlpool from which escape is difficult. Sometimes we are punished for being
honest, but it is nothing compared to the pain and suffering that we cause to others due
to our dishonesty.
Gandhiji laid great emphasis on the need for truthfulness in words and deeds.
His life throughout was a struggle to uphold the virtue of truth. A truthful person can
speak and act with moral conviction. He commands respect and reverence in society.
Such people are necessary in the world today.
16. ‘Work is worship’
Everyone has to work in order to earn money. However, there are some who
think of work only as a means to earn money, and nothing more. As a result they do
not perform the tasks given to them by their employers with interest. They make
excuses, point an accusing finger at others, blame their tools, criticize their employers,
complain about their colleagues while they themselves work in the most inefficient
way possible. We must remind such people that ‘Duty is divine’ and ‘Work is
worship’. Work is a dedication of one’s labour to God. Work is the use of the
inspiration given to us by God to create and carve and mend and shape.
Work should be performed with sincerity, dedication and perseverance.
This shows respect for what we do, and for the others who will benefit by our work.
When we perform a task, however simple it may be, it should be done to the best of
our ability. This shows not only our deep involvement in our actions, but also an
expression of our skills. We must not forget that the first ‘work’ ever done was by
God the ‘work’ of Creation. And look how beautiful His ‘works' are!
17. ‘Empty vessels make the most noise’
You will always find that a person with very little knowledge loves to jabber all
the while and laugh and joke and make a lot of unnecessary noise. This is because the
person doesn’t really have any substantial matter in the head and so hides this fact
with a lot of meaningless chatter. But the person of real substance looks around,
observes and when he or she speaks, it is to say something really meaningful. That is
what is meant by this proverb.
Hence when we are in a conversation we should only take a fair share of
the conversation and not keep prattling on as if no one else is there. This will show
that we respect other people’s opinions and wish to hear them out too. It would also
send out the message that we are not superficial people who only bore others with our
pompous talk.
Slow and steady wins the race’
The famous fable about the tortoise and the hare brings out the singular truth
that am" and steady wins the race. Haste only makes waste, or results in shoddy work.
This is especially true for students. Daily regular study delivers good results. Those
students who want to complete their homework quickly just in order to play a match
with their friends, finally learn little or nothing. This is true even while attempting an
examination paper. If a student writes the answers hastily, he or she may make
careless mistakes, and this may result in low marks.
If a director wishes to make a film in a hurry, he will have a shoddy product in his
hand. But if he plans the script, the locations and the cast and takes rehearsals before
going to the sets for shooting, he or she is sure to come out with a quality product.
This is true for all great ventures, including the construction of a building. It is better
to draw the blueprint first. Then comes the laying of the foundation, and the rest of the
construction work in stages. If a building is constructed in haste, it might collapse and
lead to disaster.
So whatever you do in life, plan every detail carefully, collect the equipment
required for the project, and then go about performing the act. Then only will you be
able to achieve grand success.
19. ‘Prevention is better than cure’
We sometimes handle a knife carelessly, cut our fingers, allow the cut to go
septic and when the pain is unbearable, consult a doctor. The doctor prescribes a
prolonged and costly treatment. Wouldn’t it have been better for us to have taken due
precaution while using the knife? In fact, we can always protect ourselves against
common ailments diseases by resorting to proper precautionary, preventive measures.
Very often, we are careless and do things thoughtlessly. We ignore signs that
indicate the possibility of trouble. Finally when the trouble occurs, we regret our
neglect, but by then it is too late. The proverb ‘Prevention is better than cure’ advises
us to take necessary steps to stop something unpleasant from happening.
This proverb has universal application. Proper maintenance of machines,
buildings, roads or bridges can prevent their deterioration and thus forestall disaster.
Health authorities should take prompt and effective steps during times of natural
calamities in order to prevent the outbreak of epidemics. At the national level too,
many problem that we are facing today would not have existed had the government
acted firmly, promptly and boldly at the very start. The proverb stresses the need for
foresight and precaution in dealing with every situation in our lives. If we develop
such an attitude, it would certainly be much better than facing misery and searching
for expensive remedies later on.
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