Rehearsal Examination
Std-XII English.
Section I
(Reading skill, Grammar, Vocabulary, Note-making & Summary) (15 Marks)
(Q.1 A) Read the first activity, Read the extract and then do all the activities.
A1.Find out
Read the following sentences and rewrite the most correct one that summarize the extract :
a) The writer was not serious about his visit to the doctor.
b) The writer found it amazing to feed the chickens and to greet the animals on the farm.
c) Though the writer wanted to write a novel, he was not fully prepared for it.
d)- After much debate, the writer chose a city as the place for complete rest.
a) The writer was not serious about his visit to the doctor.
c) Though the writer wanted to write a novel, he was not fully prepared for it
Oneday I developed indigestion. After resisting my wife's entreaties for several weeks, I went casually to consult a friendly colleague. I expected a bottle of bismuth and an invitation to bridge. I received instead the shock of my life: a sentence to six months' complete rest in the country on a milk diet. I had a gastric ulcer.
The place of exile, chosen after excruciating contention, was a small farmhouse near-the village of Tarbert in the Scottish Highlands. Imagine a lonely whitewashed steading set on a rain-drenched loch amid ferocious mountains rising into grey mist, with long-horned cattle, like elders of the kirk, sternly munching thistles in the foreground. That was Fyne Farm. Conceive of a harassed stranger in city clothes arriving with a pain in his middle and a box of peptonizing powders in his suitcase. That was I.
Nothing is more agonizing to the active man than enforced idleness. A week ofFyne Farm drove me crazy. Debarred from all physical pursuits, I was reduced to feeding chickens and learning to greet the disapproving cattle by trheir Christian names. Casting aside desperately for something to do, I had a sudden idea.
For years, at the back ofmy mind, I had nursed the vague illusion that I might write.
Often, indeed, in unguarded moments, I had remarked to my wife, "You know, I believe I could write a novel ifI had time," at which she would smile kindly across her knitting, murmur, "Do you, dear?" and tactfullylead me back to talk ofJohnnie Smith's whooping cough.
Now, as I stood on the shore of that desolate Highland loch I raised my voice in surge of self-justification : "By Heayens ! This is my opporunity. Gastric ulcer or no gastric ulcer, I will write a novel." Before I could change my mind I walked straight to the village and bought myself two penny exercise books.
A2 Complete
Complete the following sentences giving responses. 2
i) The writer was shocked for being advised a complete rest because ........
Answer- the writer was shocked for being advised to complete rest because the writer was not serious about his visit to the doctor he only expected button of this month and an invitation to Bridge.
ii) After a week on the Fyne Farm the writer felt crazy because.....
Answer-after the week on the fine for the writer failed crazy because he was debarred from all physical Pursuit he was active man and now in Force 2 complete rest.
A3 Point Out. 2
The writer was confident about writing a novel. Point out expressions from the extract showing his confidence.
Answer-Following expressions shows that the writer was confident about writing novel number
1) 1for years in his mind he nursed vague illusion that he might write.
2. He always thought that he could write novel if he had a time .
3.He thought that this is a great opportunity .
4)before his mind change he bought two Penny exercise books.
A4 Vocabulary. 2
Write four words from the box which are nearest in the meaning of word, 'enforced'.
[optional, compulsory, avoidable, mandatory, required, prescribed, voluntary, preventable.
A5 Personal Rcsponce. 2
Have you ever been advised a complete rest by the doctor ? Write about your feelings during the period of rest.
Answer-yes after the accident send my leg fractured my doctor advise me to complete rest for 1 month I was greatly done at that time that situation was so boring.
A6 Grammar. 2
i) Choose the correct passive structure of the following sentence.
'I expecteda bottle of bismuth and an invitation to bi•idge.'
a) A bottle of bismuth and an invitation to bridge was expected by me.
b) A bottle of bismuth and an invitation to bridge has been expected by me.
c) A bottle of bismuth and an invitation to bridge were expected by me.
d) A bottle of bismuth and an invitation to bridge had expected by me.
a) A bottle of bismuth and an invitation to bridge was expected by me.
2 . I expected a bottle of bismuth and an invitation to bridge. (Use 'Not only... but also.' )
Answer- I expected not only bottle of Bismuth but also and invitation to Bridge.
B) Grammar 3
Do as directed.
I) Yesterday, I saw....... last show of . ......amazing movie.
(Rewrite using approprivate articles)
Answer- the,an
2) The non-cooperation movement started.... Mahatma Gandhi was .... full swing.
(Use appropriate prepositions.)
Answer- by,in
3) Rohit said, " Sunil, How was the exhibition ?" (Change it into indirect speech.)
Answer-Rohit asked Sunil how had been the exhibition.
Q.2 A) Read the first activity, read the extract and then do the activity. 12
Al. Complete
Complete the following statements with the information given in the extract.
1) The decision to become an ideal village was taken by .......
-entire village together.
2) In 1989 Hiware Bazaar had .. .... ...
families completely below poverty line.
3) is the greatest victory for Hiware Bazaar.
-Reverse migration.
4) was speaking about the rebirth of 38 villages.
The 'AdarshGaon' model prides itself of being based on thejoint decisions made by the Gram Sabha, where all the villagers are present. Even while selecting the new villages under the scheme. Mr. Pawar made sure that the decision to become an ideal village wastaken by the entire village together.
The greatest victory for Hiware Bazaar so far has been the reverse migration that the village has witnessed science 1989. As inany as 93 families have come back to the village, "from the slums in Mumbai and Pune" Mr. Pawar says. The village of 216 families was completely below poverty line (BPL) in 1989; now it has only three BPL families.
Speaking to The Hindu, Gulab Gaikwad, from one of the three BPL families said: " We used to beg for a living a ow I am working at the gram panchayat, whereas the other two families work as labour. It is-because of our hard work that we will get out of the situation, like the rest ofthis vil!nge." Speaking about the 'rebirth of the 38 villages' , Mr. Pawar says: "Vidarbha was our priority, as the people are reeling under the pressure of land for agriculture. Farmers' suicides have become a norm, and people are becoming complacent beause of all the 'Vidarbha packages' which are obviously not helping. It is time for the villagers to wake up and do something themselves" One ofthe conditions of the AGY is also that a village cannot accept any government funding without adding some of their own funds to it. After the success of the projects that the villages take up, the funds have to be returhed.
True or False. 2
1) Mr. Pawar belongs to B.P.L. family. FALSE
2. People in Vidarbh should wake up and do something themselves, according to Mr. Pawar. TRUE
3) It is not necessary for the village to return any government fund. FALSE
IV) The B.P.L. families in Hiware Bazar migrated to slums in Pune and Mumbai.
A3)Vidarbha was priority because
People are really under pressure of land farmer suicide have become a norm
Vidarbha package or not working.
A4 Vocabulary. 2
Give one word for the following from the passage.
1) An item 's relative importance.=Priority
2) International killing ofoneself.=Sucide
3) Moving to live in another place for a while.Migration
4) A dilapidated are where many people live in a state of poverty.
A5 Personal response. 2
Most of the people in villages migrate to cities. Write down the reasons of their migration.
Answer=People migrate to cities
1.for higher education
2. in search of job
3.attraction of city life
4. for earning money
A6 Grammar. 2
I) I am working at the Grampanchayat. (Rewrite using present perfect tense)
Answer-I have worked in Gram panchayat.
11) We used to beg for a living. (Use 'Would')
Answer=I would beg for living.
B) -Note-making
Read the following passage and complete the tree diagrm given below. 3
In today's era, stress has become an ineyitable part of our lives. Competitiveness and a fast paced environment require one to devote one's self wholeheartedly to work.
Nowadays, workplace burnout has become common, with many cemployees showing•symtoms, which in turn is compelling organizations to hire happiness and wellness coaches to help their employees deal with the crisis. Burnout is a phase wherein an individual undergoes excessive emotional exhaustion.
Though emplyees earn praise from their bösses for working hard, taking on extrac work and meeting near-impossible deadlies, it ends up creating a pressure cooker situation for stress. And if the situation-gets prolonged, anxiety and stress creep in. Work- related stress makes employees angry.
Exercising regularly can help a person deal with stress.
Diet plays an important role in the well-being of an individual, so it is important to eat healthy to be able to think like a healthy person. "A balanced diet is what one should go for. One must keep oneself hydrated throughout the day by drinking about three liters of water. "
Q.3 A) Read the first activity, read the extractand do all the activities. 12
Al) Complex factual 2
Complete the table
Book - worm
a)fond of reading books.
B) spend their energy in reading.
a)Shines in athletics.
b) Cultivate co-operation through group activity.
Often students who are very fond of reading books are labelted by their comrades as bpok-worms. Boys who shine in athletiß or in the playing of some dame, consider • that the games field is a better or nobler arena for their activities and the expenditure of their e nergies than the classroom or the reading desk. The idea is born out of an inferi ority complex inhearnt in the games minded students who actually envy their fellows who shine academically. Academic honours have a glamour which is unique.
It is not to be denited that the playing of games is a worthy activity . It is worthy in the sense that the team spirit can be engendered in the individual only if he has learnt to participate in the playing of games. It is also true that the player does much for society and, for his country on the playing field. It is true that the feeling of cooperatiön can be cultivated in a person only through group activity. But studies should not be sacrified in order that studnents devote their time only to the playing ofgames.
Let each type ofactivity has its own place in our daily round and then only and then alone. Will the balanced division df interests produce the individual ? With a proper perspective ofthings. Then we will have the student who is both academically good and who can hold his own on the games field. That is the personality that we want our educational system to produce.
A2) Interpretation
The balanced divisions of interests are
Answer- a) The student who is both academically good
B)who can hold his own on the games field .
A3) Conclusion. 2
"It is not to be denied that the playing ofgames is a worthy activity"
This sentence implies that games (Complete it in a paragraph)
1.The Team spirit can be engendered in the individual only if he has learn to participate in playing of games .
2.The feeling of cooperation can be cultivated in a person only through group activity.
A4) Vocabulary. 2
Find out from the extract one word for the following.
l) Brotherliness = comrades
2) Point of view = perspective
3) In the blood / family = inherent
4) working together = cooperation/team spirit
A5) Personal Response. 2
State whether you agree with the uriter the feeling of co-operation can be cultivated in a person only through group activity.
Answer- Yes I agree with the uriter that feeling of co-operation can be cultivated in a person only through group activity because we can learn many things through group activity .we can generate team spirit,sacrifice,devotion from group.
A6) Grammar. 2
Do as directed.
l) The team sprit can be engendered in the individual.
(Begin the sentence with 'They........' and rewrite)
1.They can engender the Team spirit in the individual.
2) Academic honours have a glamour which is unique. (Remove "which" and rewrite)
Answer-Having academic honours is unique glamour.
B) Sununary.
Write a summary ofthe above extract in three or four sentence. Give a suitable title.
There are two types of people ,book worm and give minded .Book worm people mostly found reading books and spending their energy in reading .Game minded people science in athletics cultivate Corporation through group activity.playing of games is over the activity it creates Team Spirit ,cooperation, sacrifice and devotion.each type of activity has its own place so give for proper perspective to all the things.
Section Il : Poetry
Q.4 Read thi following extract and then do the activities that follow.
All the rest ofher children, She said,
are on the nuclear blacklist of the dead.
all the rest, unless the whole world understandsthat peace is a woman.
A thousand candles then lit In her starry eyes, and I saw angles bearing a moonlit message : Peace is indeed a pregnant woman
Peace is a mother.
1A) Complete .
Complete the following sentences with the factual information from the extract.
i) The mdther's concern about her rest of children is that
ii) The message in the eyes of the women is
-Peace is indeed a pregnant woman peace is a mother.
A2.Poetic Devices.
Find out an example of Metaphor from the extract and explain it.
Exa.Peace is indeed a pregnant woman peace is a mother.
A3) Personal Response. 2
According to me the evils of war are :
a) War creates destruction
b) War creates terror among people.
Poetic creation. 2
Complete the following stanza by framing two continuous lines based on the theme of-the given extract.
Peace is a woman,
Peace is a mother,
Respect peace like
Mother and woman.
Section - Ill : Rapid Reading and Composition
Q.5 (A) Read the following extract and do the activities that follow : 4
In the garden close by grew many large and magnificent flowers, and, strange to
say, the less fragrance they had the haughtier and prouder they were. The peonies puffed
themselves up in order be larger than the roses, but size is not everything ! The tulip' had the finest colours, and they knew it well, too, for they were stan4ing bolt upright like candles, that one might see them the better. In their piide they did not see the little daisy, which looked over to them and thought. "How rich and beautiful they are ! I am sure the pretty bird will fly down and call upon them. Thank God, that I stand so near and can at least see all the splendour. And while the daisy was still thinking, the lark came flying down, crying "Tweet" but not to the peonies and tulips - no, into the grass to the poor daisy. Its joy was so great that it did not know what to think. The little bird hopped round it and sang, "How beautifully soft the grass is, and what a lovely little flower with its golden heart and silver dress is growing here. "The yellow centre in the daisy did nideed look like gold, while the little petals shone as brigh!ly as silver.
How happy the daisy was ! No one has the least idea. The bird kissed it with its beak, sang to it. and then rose again up to the blue sky .
Al) Complete 2 Complete thc following chart.
Flowers size Nature
Peonies ..................... ................
Daisy .................... ....................
A2) Write an imaginary paragraph. 2
Write an imaginary paragraph in about 50 words in continuation of the above given extract.
B) Read the extract and do the activities that follow : 4
Received a pareel containing guava cheese, strawberry jam, and mango pickle, Head master comfiscated the pickle. May be he needed it to heat his blood.
A note enclosed with the parcel read" Old hotel registers missing. Must have been thrown out. Dr perhaps Mr. Green took them away when he left Tirloki says a German spy stayed in the hotel just before the war broke out. The spy used to visit the Gurkha lines and the armamments factory. He was passing information on to a dentist who visited Germany every year. When war broke out the dentist was kept in a prisoner-of-war camp. The spy disappeared same say to Tibet. Could the spy have been silenced and put
away in the cupboard ? But I keep forgetting it was a woman's skeleton. Tirloki says the spy was a man. But a clever spy may have been woman dressed as a man. What do you think
I) Complete the following informations from the extract.
i) The guesses about the missing registers are ............
a) ii) The guesses about the spy are
B2) Extend the extract by adding an imaginary paragraph of your own in about 50 words.
Section IV : Written Communication.
Q.6 (A) Letter Writing. 2
Write any ONE of the following letters. (4)
l ) Amol Patil studies in Arts qnd Science College, Vidyanagar, Aurangabad. He wants to continue his education but his father cannot afford the educational expenses. So, he is in need of scholarship. Imagine yourself as Amol Patil and write a letter of application to the Principal of your college requesting him to grant the scholarship.
2) Imagine that you are a resident of Vasant Nagar area in Nashik . Your town is facing the problem of irregular electric supply which has caused so many problems in the area. Particularly students suffer a lot for being unable to study at night. Write a letter of complaint to the Chief Engineer, Zonal Office, M.S.E.B., Nashik, Highlight the problems and also suggest some solutions.
Sandesh Chavan,
B- wing Sarthak Apartment,
Vasant Nagar,
Chief Engineer,
Zonal Office,
Sub:- About the Problem of irregular Electric supply.
Respected Sir,
With reference to the above mentioned subject I want to draw your attention to the most important issue of our area: the problem of irregular Electric supply.
In these days exams. are going on .So students find it so difficult to complete their study.Students need regular power supply for study.Also many problem like robbery and theft increases during power cut.
So I request you ,Sir kindly solve our problem as early as possible.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
Sandesh Chavan
B) Write on any ONE ofthe following items. 4
l) Leaflet
Prepare a leaflet for an 'Eye-donation Camp' with the help of the following points :
* Prepare an effective slogan
* Use a logo / picture chart
* Importance of Eye-donation * Make a persuasive appeal
* Add your own points
If you want to see the world after your death donate your eyes.
Donate your eyes and see the world after your life .
Many famous personalities like Aishwarya Rai Amitabh Bachchan donate their eyes after their death .
if you want to donate your eyes contact to your nearest government hospital
2) News Writing
Draft a news report on any one of the following headlines giving a deteline, the Intro.
and a Continuing paragraph.
i) 10 killed in bus accident. ii) Heavy rains disturb common life.
C) Counter - View. 4
Read the following view section and develop a counter - view section in about 120 words. Suggest a suitable title.
View - Section
Homework : Still a key part of education
1) It helps students to get better standardized test scores.
Il) It engages the child with his study more effectively.
Ill) Integrate the child with what is going on in the classroom.
IV) Homework inculcates students with life skills.
C) Information Transfer. 4
Given below is the result of a survey conducted qmong the parents of teenagers.
Write a paragraph based on it in about 120 words.
"What is your child's favorite After - School Activity ?"
Activity Percentage
Read a story book 12%
Go outdoor to play with friends 35%
Spend time on the internet 11%
Complete homework 5%
Watch TV 37%
Do the following activities.
A) Framing Interview Questions. 4
Imagine you are going to interview great social reformer. Prepare a set of 8-10 ques.
tions focussing on his [her social behaviour and the activites he / she caries out.'
Namaskar Sir,
First of all I welcome you here. This is a moment of proud for all of us that you are here to share your life experiences with us. Your life itself is a thrilling and inspiringjourney. So, we are much excited to listen you.
l) We know about Baba Amate and Sadhanatai and their 'Anandwan'. You and your wife Dr. Mandakini Amate have carried forward the legacy through 'Hemalkasa'. How do you feel being an inheritor of the duo?
2) What is their role in moulding you from a doctor to a dedicated social worker?
3) After completing M.B.B.S. you moved to Hemalkasa, started 'Lok Biradari Prakalp' for the development ofthe tribal Madia Gond. Would you tell us something about the project?
4) You just told that you run hospitals for the tribal. Do they come to the hospital as the tribal are superstitious and believe in black magic?
5) Had you thought toget settled in city and start there a hospital you might have living a more happy life, but you didn't. What was the motivation behind going to Hemalkasa?
6) You got Padma Shriin 2002, Ramon Magsaysay in 2008 for community leadership and Mother Teresa Award for social justice in 2014. What is the importance of these awards for you?
7) Dr. Mandatai Amate, a blueprint for sacrifice, she refused all the comforts of life and shared your hands in this mission. How would you evaluate thesacrifice she made for you ?
8) What message do you have for the youth as they are pillars of the nation?
I am very thankful to you for coming here and sharing life experiences with us. Have a nice day.
B) You are soon going to leave your junior college. On the occosion of farewell, write a
•speech, on behalf of your class-mates, to express your gratitude to your college principal your teachers for their väluable contributions in your life. 3
Good morning everyone present here. Esteemed President,
members of the management, respected Director, teachers, my dear students of
11th, and my dear class fellows.
Today is a very emotional day. We all have
gathered here to bid adieu to us, the senior most class that is going to appear
for our final board examination after a few days.
I am feeling sad and elated both on the occasion; sad
because, we have been studying in this school since Kindergarten. This long
association with the school will be missed by all of us. However, I am happy
also for the future. We are going to appear for tour most crucial examination
after which we will step into the real world. We will start carving our
careers. I am sure the values, ethics, character, and the academic and other
basic skills we have learnt at our school will really help us in shaping our bright
careers. I am hopeful we will bring glory and laurels to the school with our
achievements. We are the brand ambassadors of our school.
I on behalf of the students of all +2 sections assure you we
will keep doing our best wherever we go. Thanks respected Chairman, Director
Madam for providing us with world class facilities; thanks Principal madam for
giving us the best environment for our overall development, and all the
teachers for being such wonderful mentors and guides.
Last but not the least ,thanks students of +1 for hosting this memorable and fantastic get together.